Genoa 2013 – Saturday Evening

Bro. Earl Martin

3 thoughts on “Genoa 2013 – Saturday Evening”

  1. marife herbese

    PRAISE BE TO GOD!!! for this blessed couple of set of meetings, were very bless our spirit and soul is full of spiritual food, from your living testimony came out to the living words and meracle of our precious GOD, also thanks to sir Daniel martin and all of the team there, you really unite and have one accord to share the goodness, the truth and the life to all the people all around the world,through this really reach out the lost soul, we keep on praying this is not the last time, we can saw you our beloved brethren there online..were really happy to see all of our brothers and sisters there, there’s no barrier that keep on us, were one body of Christ pray one another,and help one another to GLORIFY our GOD…thank you so much lord for all of this..we gratitude and praise your words and powerful name forever and ever amen.

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