Our Goal: One Soul
Worldwide Missionary Outreach
Our mission is to preach the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ, knowing that we're living in a dying world amongst dying people, with a Message of Life and with the evidence of the resurrection.
Sharing with the town the good news! Couple of home visits and a fellowship in the evening.
That ought to be the…If we believe of the coming Messiah is at hand, I think we ought to lay aside everything else, and be concerned of getting this message to the lands yonder as fast as you can do it. That’s right. If we are convinced. But we preach that there’s coming a Messiah and want to put a hundred million dollars in a building. And if the Messiah’s coming, what good’s that going to do? If we believe it…
See, the very…Our testimony, our action speaks louder than our words does. If I had a hundred million dollars, and I believed the Messiah is coming, I would support a missionary program that would sweep around the country right quick, and get a church ready for Him. I would do it. Therefore, I am convinced that the Messiah is coming soon, and I’m concerned about the Gospel getting everywhere that I can, and know that it can be gotten.
I’m interested in missionary programs. That’s why I’m here tonight, to put my words of the Gospel with Brother Joseph, and these other missionaries; is to see that this Word gets out, ’cause It’s got to go to every kindred, tribe, and nation before He comes. And He’s waiting now for that. I don’t believe His program’s building buildings, or educational affairs in the church. I believe it’s to get the Gospel there, for He’s waiting for it. It’s time past due. I believe this is the time to do it.
Convinced And Then Concerned
On to the next half of our trip. The Mission work continues!
From one fellowship to the next. Visiting amongst friends before heading out to our next stop.
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