Greetings to you in the wonderful name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
I just wanted to drop you a note and say thanks for all your prayers and support. There are many wonderful things happening at this time. The Brothers are out on the mission field: Bro. Ron Perry, Bro. John Worlund, and Bro. Nate Dutton are in India; Bro. Darrell Robson and Sis. Jalene are in South Africa working the townships with our local ministers; Bro. Tim Perales is preparing to leave for South Africa soon; Bro. Frank Dutton is in Flagstaff, Arizona attending some meetings and sharing the missionary vision with the Brothers and Sisters.
Bro. Brian and Sis. Nora Grose from Capetown, South Africa are coming for a few days. Bro. Brian will be speaking for us in Idaho on Sunday July 22, the Lord willing. Bro. Brian does a lot of missionary work in many parts of Africa.
We are preparing for another Youth Camp, in the past we have seen what a difference one week can make in a life. It is worth all our effort and sacrifice together we can make it happen. Please keep all of the Endeavors in your prayers. Trusting that God will transform the lives of His children. Please keep all in your prayers.
God bless you,
Your Servant,
Bro. Daniel Martin

hello, how are yu