Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Greetings in the wonderful Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We just returned from the Philippines once again where we spent twenty-one days. It is always wonderful to see the things that God is doing around the world. Even though there are many hardships and struggles and daily burdens, the Gospel is alive and well. To see the changes in the lives of people, especially in the far reaching areas amongst the very poor and forgotten, these are the places that our hearts have always been.
We spent some time in Mindanao with our minister missionary brothers who are doing a tremendous work daily. Works are springing up, lives are being changed, and God is revealing this glorious message to His bride.

Thank you for keeping us in your prayers as we endeavor to spread the Gospel to the lost and dying.
Your brother in Christ,
Bro. Daniel Martin
Missionary / Pastor