Dear Brother Daniel,
Our recent trip to Uganda ended on February 16th with a baptismal service that saw 20 souls come to know our Lord and Savior. One woman was washing clothes on the bank of the river where we were baptizing; she came under conviction and was baptized. In all we visited 7 churches and ministered 15 services, “the Lord working with them confirming His Word with signs following”. We received many testimonies of healings following the services.
Brother Herbert Makoba was our host and was tireless in his efforts to see that we visited as many churches as possible during our visit. The needs in that beautiful country are many, poverty abounds and not one of the churches we visited had electricity. However, I believe the greatest need in Uganda is the lack of Message materials in that country. The Message was introduced in Uganda 29 years ago and many churches we visited had few if any books or tapes. Every church asked for assistance in getting the Books and Tapes and I believe that WMO can be of great assistance to the Bride of Uganda in that area. Voice of God’s representative for the area, Bro. Onyango Bolahs was a tremendous help to us, providing transportation to and from the airport for Bro. Alan and team. We were welcomed by everyone and treated very well by all the local pastors and their congregations.
For Brother Brian Grose, my son Benjamin and my self, we all would like to thank all the brothers and sisters of team WMO for their prayers and support in making our trip to Uganda a success.
God Bless,
Brother Frank Dutton