
“Before there was a world, before there was a planet, before there was a sun, before there was a moon, before there was light, before there was anything, when it was still God, God and His thoughts, the eternal thoughts of God chose you by predestination, by foreknowledge, to know that you would be on the earth, to know there would be sin.

Someone said, “Then, why did—why was there sin?” If there had never been sin, His attributes would have never have been a Saviour. There had to be a sinner so He could be a Saviour. There had to be a sick man so He could be a Healer. Amen! There you are. It had to be that way. It was God who—who saw it and foreordained it. The devil ain’t even in the race. Oh, he’s just a stump on the side of the road that God used to bring children to Him, crying, “Abba, Father.” WMB

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